The underlying technical sentiment has shifted positive without the support off any price appreciation. Head fake in front of the figure or foreshadowing of things to come.
Currently the market is in a DIGESTIVE BULL TREND.
For now the positive sentiment maintains the bias above the 117-005 Inflection Pivot with 117-175 the lid for the current digestive trade. This is the trigger for any shift into a Bull Trend mode targeting 118-035 and 118-305. A failure from 117-005 negates this technical state and shifts sentiment targeting 116-11.

Note: The MKT has produced a positive signal but is not confirmed. Be ready for it but if it does not materialize, beware of a negative reaction. Don't get caught fading a break that continues to hold structure as the MKT may be defining its lower digestive extreme and will most likely find it after it hits your last sell stop.
This post supports the Strategy Based Trading, which is a methodology that focuses on the applied strategy verses a specific market. The approach looks to align strategies with markets whose current technical behavior matches the strategies criteria. Please review the following CME sponsored tutorial for a complete overview of this approach.
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