Thursday, May 14, 2009

10YR T-NOTE Inflection Pivot

Is that it for the rise in the 10yr T-Note.

Could be.

122-020 is the Inflection Pivot to key off.

If the MKT is below here it is vulnerable to a beating, with the 120-25-120-23 the support band that must be taken out to confirm a press to new move lows.

Above 122-02 the difficult corrective trade continues.

If this signal is going to work it will play its hand today or tomorrow.


Strategy Based Trading Review May 14, 2009

Have a plan and stick to it.

Especially if it is a plan that is in line with the markets directional probability!

This does not mean tweeks and adjustments are not necessary with the dynamics of trading but you should be aware of the risks associated with those deviations.

JS Services defines the markets technical foundation with its proprietary indicator the MC VALUE [Note Table]. This is an "at a glance" indication of what the martkets technical state "is", providing you with a directional proability bias.

In its most basic form, BUY strategies will have a higher probability of suceeding when a markets MCVALUE is positive and SELL strategies will work better when the MC VALUE is negative.
It is the first thing to focus on pre-trade to get a foundation of the technical landscape.

Next is the placement of the R LEVEL. The R Level defines the session bias. Buy breaks above here, sell rallies below. A good rule of thumb is to keep your trading in the direction of the R LEVEL bias.

The power of this stragey approach is that it is transferable from one market to the next.

Here is a snap shot of a few markets whose technical foundation [MC VALUE] and directional bias [R LEVEL] provided profitable opportunity.

May 14, 2009

US 30YR T-BOND - MCV= +2

* Green/Orange line = R

MAY 14, 2009



MAY 14, 2009



If you are a subscriber be sure to check out the Reference Media in the Subscriber Section of the website, . There is a wealth of information that is there to help make you more money.
If you not a subscriber, you should be! Sign up and get on the profit path!
As always any questions please contact me.
John Slazas

Inflection Pivots

In Life and markets there are points of inflection where from one moment to the next things change. The epiphany realization as you are walking through a new neighborhood or the positive to negative sentiment shift that occur during market action are inflection pivots in time or price that provide a grounding of what was.

In life it is difficult to anticipate a life altering "moment of clarity" however we should expect one from someone who is about to take a trip outside his/her country or origin to "change" or mature in their thought process. Having this expectation we may choose to wait upon our friends return before having a discussion regarding diversity.

In markets inflection points or triggers exists as price points and can be identified. By identifying and qualifying them they can be anticipated. Being able to anticipate reactions in the market is powerful and presents opportunity.

This Blogs goal is to identify market inflection pivots.

I have been a student of the market for over 25 years and have developed a methodology that pin-points these inflection pivots, which I use to create a price overlay or Price Map for Global markets of interest under the company name JS Services.

One thing that I have learned is that you cannot predict market direction but you can expect market reactions.

John Slazas

The patterns of time predict the future