Saturday, April 17, 2010


The VIX has been waiting for an excuse to jump and it got it on Friday.

Real deal?

With the short end of the Yield curve jumping you can smell the fear.

The Equities have plenty of room to move without altering the underlying positive sentiment. For now all the major indices are vulnerable to further losses with the VIX expected to tighten a few collars. Keep tight position management and watch the short end of the curve to stall for a signal that the sky is not falling.

Nikkei225 has the potentail to be one of the bigger losers for any negative follow through to Friday's action.

Gold sold off but could not turn its underlying technicals to the downside.

Crude Oil flip flopped last week and should have rallied if it was going to. This MKT is vulnerable to a few dollar drop.

The Dollar is ready for some big sideways action so avoid making any commitments.

Commodities are firm and are expected to inflate.

Good Trading