Technically the MKT is in a NEUTRAL DIGESTIVE position with a positive bias above 2856.0 Inflection Pivot. The MKT has produced a positive signal and if it is going to influence today's session the MKT will maintain a trade above this price point.
On the SELL side BREAKOUT strategies below 2856.0 are aggressive and but do have potential to sharply turn sentiment back to the opposing digestive extreme. Expectations should be for the MKT to make its move early in the session and not look back, holding structure most of the day. If the MKT digests prior to making a negative move, it is more likely a squeeze on the longs to FADE. SELL FADE strategies against 2890. are aggressive as well and if they are going to work, should do so on the initial test of resistance. Repeated tests or "confirmation" are more likely to give way to a higher trade. SELL REVERSAL strategies are recommended off the session initial major resistance levels only as the MKT potential for positive trend shift. The probability is to the upside today so don't get stubborn selling strength.
On the BUY side accept FADE, BREAKOUT and REVERSAL strategies off major inflection points. BUY BREAKOUT strategies above the 2890.0 resistance pivot should just "go" and not look back, so keep risk parameters tight. FADE strategies off the 2873.0 Directional after positive breakout signals are good opportunities as well but expectation should be for the MKT to quickly move back above violated resistance. If the trade just "hangs around", it is likely a signal that more digestive action is coming and a retest of support should be expected. Be more aggressive with FADE and REVERSAL strategies at the 2856.0 Inflection Pivot, targeting the opposing digestive resistance. Below this price point wait for 2nd or 3rd test before entering off support rather than stepping in front.
Note: The MKT is in neutral so "sloppy" conditions with "false signals" should be anticipated. Have a plan for any squeeze. Don't get stubborn, however, if the MKT starts to hold structure and gets into trend mode as the contract may just be expanding its digestive parameters producing a one way trade into the close and new extreme.
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