Sunday, February 28, 2010

GOLD - Positive Signal - BULL TREND

Technically the APR'10 GOLD contract is in a BULL TREND posture and has just produced a major technical signal in the direction of the trend. If the market maintains a trade above the 1116.1 Inflection Pivot, look for excuses to get long.

On the SELL side BREAKOUT strategies below 1106.5 are a low probability but valid. Risk little and go for a lot. If the MKT is going to turn sour, it should be quick and relentless. Avoid FADE strategies against the 1125.7 resistance pivot as the MKT has just produced a major buy signal and fresh gains are expected. REVERSAL strategies as well are not recommended, as any resistance level violation that cannot be held is more likely a squeeze for the longs, which can quickly turn positive.

On the BUY side BREAKOUT, FADE and REVERSAL are recommended as the MKT is aggressively bid and all buy signals are valid opportunity. If stopped out at or near the low tic of a reaction and the MKT is not following through to the downside, leverage up using the squeeze low as a stop, expecting a quick reaction back above your original entry. De-leverage unless you have confluence with other indicators or like MKTs. Look for opportunities off 1116.1 and 1106.5. A breach of 1125.7 confirms a higher push.

Note: The MKT has produced a big positive technical signal and should immediately go higher, after at most, one pullback. A laborious trade and the MKT may wait till the end of the session to make its move.


This post supports the Strategy Based Trading, which is a methodology that focuses on the applied strategy verses a specific market. The approach looks to align strategies with markets whose current technical behavior matches the strategies criteria. Please review the following CME sponsored tutorial for a complete overview of this approach.

For more information please contact me at You can also visit Inflection Pivot levels are available as a chart overlay on the following platforms; Ninja trader, Strategy Runner and eSignal. Sign up for a Complimentary FREE Trial.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Technically the MAR'10 DOW FUTURES contract is in a NEUTRAL CORRECTIVE state producing a big negative signal against a positive trend. Opportunity exists on both sides today with 10322 the key Inflection Pivot for the session.

On the SELL side avoid FADE strategies until after the previous session low point or 10259 support level has been broken to confirm a negative shift in momentum. REVERSAL strategies should be avoided as any positive signal is more likely an indication that the underlying trend is going to resume. SELL BREAKOUT strategies below 10259 can be profitable but they are aggressive and should look to take profits and potentially REVERSE long at support targets. The trade is counter trend so avoid any negative commitments.

On the BUY side accept BREAKOUT, FADE and REVERSAL strategies off major inflection points with the expectation that the positive momentum is going to resume. REVERSAL strategies are recommended over a FADE strategies off the 10259 support pivot, which should have at least 1 if not 2 challenges to the support integrity before executing a long off it. BREAKOUT strategies above 10385 or off 10322 can risk a little more if current events and other MKTs of confluence confirm a positive posture. If not a better approach would be to FADE a negative "squeeze" reaction after a positive breakout signal as the neutral technical position can keep the trend sideways.

Note: The MKT has produced a big technical signal against the current trend. Be aware that the negative action may be a 1-day event with the positive trend quickly re-establishing itself. If the MKT is really going to turn it should remain hard pressed and provide little or no relief.


This post supports the Strategy Based Trading, which is a methodology that focuses on the applied strategy verses a specific market. The approach looks to align strategies with markets whose current technical behavior matches the strategies criteria. Please review the following CME sponsored tutorial for a complete overview of this approach.


For more information please contact me at You can also visit Inflection Pivot levels are available as a chart overlay on the following platforms; Ninja trader, Strategy Runner and eSignal. Sign up for a Complimentary FREE Trial.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Technically the April'10 GOLD market is in a BEAR TREND and has produced a negative signal. The MKT is vulnerable and all sell signals should be considered below the 1113.6 Inflection Pivot.

On the SELL side accept all BREAKOUT, FADE and REVERSAL signals. If the MKT produces a BREAKOUT signal below 1089.3 early in the session it should just "go" and not look back. Beware of any break in early negative structure, as a corrective rally up to resistance is a likely scenario. Be selective and wait for an exhaustive signal to re-enter to avoid selling the corrective rally all the way up to your "ideal" sell points but with no confidence left or dry powder. Practice good size management on this move accepting sell signals but leveraging up at the resistance turning points. Anticipate a price "zone" around 1108.7 or 1113.6 to FADE. Have a plan and be ready. If your stop gets hit and the MKT does not immediately follow through, consider re-entering, even doubling up if there is structure to define low risk. Follow any corrective rise with a REVERSAL strategy. Expectations are for the negative signal to follow through even if it does in the last hour.

On the BUY side REVERSAL strategies can be executed off of major support levels at 1084.50 and 1069.9 but preferably after an emotional sell off early in the session. This is an aggressive strategy and any profits should be realized at the previous support failure points. Expectations should be for an immediate "V" bottom turn with the MKT quickly moving away from the area or a gradual rise with higher lows after a lower exhaustive signal. Avoid FADE BUYS off 1089.3 even with confirmation, as this is more likely a plateau for a BREAKOUT SELL strategy. BUY BREAKOUT strategies above 1113.6 are not recommended but do have a better chance of succeeding than a FADE.

Note: The MKT has produced a negative signal and should follow through with authority from the get go if it is serious. If not expect some starts and stops. Be patient and wait for opportunity. As soon as the MKT starts to look "good", its time dial in your sell strategies, especially if the integrity of the previous session high point remains intact. Above the previous session high point and all negative bets are off.
This post supports the Strategy Based Trading, which is a methodology that focuses on the applied strategy verses a specific market. The approach looks to align strategies with markets whose current technical behavior matches the strategies criteria. Please review the following CME sponsored tutorial for a complete overview of this approach.
For more information please contact me at You can also visit Inflection Pivot levels are available as a chart overlay on the following platforms; Ninja trader, Strategy Runner and eSignal. Sign up for a Complimentary FREE Trial.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010



The MKT is holding firm but remains in a corrective posture and is technically "on the fence". Key off the 630.10 Inflection Pivot for an indication of the session tone.

On the SELL side accept FADE signals only on the 2nd or 3rd confirmation against 630.10. REVERSAL strategies should only be done off 630.10 or the previous session high point [633.40] and will immediately work if they are going to. Keep position and risk management tight on these trades. SELL BREAKOUT strategies below 618.70 will work better as a signal for a FADE against the 624.40 Directional resistance with profit targets at 618.70. The underlying tone is positive and negative follow through is not expected.

On the BUY side accept REVERSAL signals off all major inflection levels [618.70, 613.00 and 607.30], expecting the underlying positive momentum to resume. FADE strategies will work better with confirmation as the MKT is in a corrective state and will be probing lower looking for soft spots. Work any BUY BREAKOUT strategies above 630.10 as any positive shift in momentum has the potential to be the start of the next leg higher.

Note: The MKT is in a corrective position and sharp negative sell offs are not expected to follow through. If after a break the MKT stabilizes and starts to build structure, look for buy opportunities and work it until that structure is broken.

This post supports the Strategy Based Trading, which is a methodology that focuses on the applied strategy verses a specific market. The approach looks to align strategies with markets whose current technical behavior matches the strategies criteria. Please review the following CME sponsored tutorial for a complete overview of this approach.
For more information please contact me at You can also visit Inflection Pivot levels are available as a chart overlay on the following platforms; Ninja trader, Strategy Runner and eSignal. Sign up for a Complimentary FREE Trial.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Futures: US 30YR T-BOND - Negative Signal needs Confirmation

Technically the MKT is in a BEAR TREND but in a DIGESTIVE posture. The MKT has produced a big negative signal but has yet to confirm a shift into trend mode. Look for excuses to get short below the 118-21 Inflection Pivot.

On the SELL side accept FADE, BREAKOUT and REVERSAL strategies off major inflection points. SELL BREAKOUT strategies below the 117-08 support pivot may need to be "worked" as the big negative signal will have the sellers excited. FADE strategies against the 117-31 Directional after a negative breakdown signal are good opportunities as well and can provide favorable area to put on leverage against structure. Be more aggressive with FADE and REVERSAL strategies at 118-21 or against the previous session high point targeting 117-08.

On the BUY side BREAKOUT strategies are aggressive and should be entered sooner [lower] than later [higher]. Expectations should be for the MKT to make its move early in the session and not look back, holding strucutre most of the day producing a positive "reversal" signal. If the MKT digests prior to making a positive move it is more likely a short squeeze to FADE. BUY FADE strategies off the 117-08 support pivot are aggressive and if they are going to work should do so on the initial test of support. Repeated tests or "confirmation" are more likely to give way to a lower trade. BUY REVERSAL strategies here are not recommended as any failure is confirmation of a negative trend shift. The probability is to the downside today so don't get stubborn buying breaks.
Note: The MKT has produced a big negative signal and is flirting with a turn for the worse. If it does not follow through on any new weakness it is more likely a nuetral shift than a positive one.


This post supports the Strategy Based Trading, which is a methodology that focuses on the applied strategy verses a specific market. The approach looks to align strategies with markets whose current technical behavior matches the strategies criteria. Please review the following CME sponsored tutorial for a complete overview of this approach.
For more information please contact me at You can also visit Inflection Pivot levels are available as a chart overlay on the following platforms; Ninja trader, Strategy Runner and eSignal. Sign up for a Complimentary FREE Trial.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

ETF - XAL Airline Sector Index - Positive Signal

Technically the MKT is in a BULL TREND ACCELERATION posture and has produced a big positive signal. The MKT is in "play" and aggressive action is expected above the 3340 Inflection Pivot. If the rally is going to extend it will not do much if any trading below here.

On the SELL side REVERSAL strategies can be executed off the 3483 and 3616 resistance levels. Expectations should be for an immediate exhaustive turn with the MKT quickly moving away from the area. A gradual decline folowing a reversal signal and it more likely just a pause before another round of buying, so in either scenerio keep position management tight. Avoid SELL FADE strategies even with confirmation, as this is more likely a lid for a BREAKOUT BUY strategy. SELL BREAKOUT below 3340 strategies are not recommended but can be used as a signal for a FADE against Directional reisstance.

On the BUY side accept FADE, REVERSAL and BREAKOUT strategies above the previous sessions low point. BREAKOUT strategies above 3482 should just "go", so do not risk much. Be wary of these strategies early in the session and look to exit on the 1st break in strucutre. BUY FADE strategies off 3340 are recommended over REVERSAL strategies as the MKT is expected to hold higher structure and any failure should be considered a potential negative corrective shift. The MKT is aggressively bid which should keep pace throughout the session if the TREND ACCELERATION forecast is going to play out.

Note: The worst-case scenario for a MKT in this technical position is to go higher early in the session and then break all day. Be alert to recognize this. If you have > 3 loser long trades consider taking the next sell signal anticipating a corrective turn. Remember in this technical position if the MKT is going higher it should just go. If not there is the potential for a corrective break or digestive trading environment.


This post supports the Strategy Based Trading, which is a methodology that focuses on the applied strategy verses a specific market. The approach looks to align strategies with markets whose current technical behavior matches the strategies criteria. Please review the following CME sponsored tutorial for a complete overview of this approach.

For more information please contact me at You can also visit Inflection Pivot levels are available as a chart overlay on the following platforms; Ninja trader, Strategy Runner and eSignal. Sign up for a Complimentary FREE Trial.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Commodities: CORN H'10- CORRECTIVE

Technically the MKT is in a NEUTRAL CORRECTIVE state producing a big positive signal against a negative trend. Opportunity exists on both sides of the MKT however the contract is vulnerable to a return to the offer with all trading below the 367-4 Inflection Pivot.

On the SELL side accept BREAKOUT, FADE and REVERSAL strategies off major inflection points with the expectation that the negative momentum is going to resume. REVERSAL strategies are recommended over a FADE strategies against the 361-0 and 367-4 resistance levels, which should have at least 1 if not 2 challenges to the integrity of the resistance before executing a sale against it. BREAKOUT strategies below 348-0 can risk a little more if current events and other MKTs of confluence confirm a negative posture. If not a better approach would be to FADE a positive "squeeze" reaction after a negative breakdown signal against 354-4 as the neutral technical position can keep the trend sideways.

On the BUY side avoid FADE strategies until after the previous session high point or major resistance level has been taken out to confirm a positive shift in momentum. REVERSAL strategies should be avoided as any negative signal is more likely an indication that the underlying trend is going to resume. BUY BREAKOUT strategies above 361-0 can be profitable up to 367-4 but should look to take profits and potentially REVERSE short at resistance targets. The trade is counter trend so avoid any positive commitments.

Note: The MKT has produced a big technical signal against the current trend. Be aware that the positive action may be a 1-day event with the negative trend quickly re-establishing itself. If the MKT is really going to turn it should remain firm and not look back.


This post supports the Strategy Based Trading, which is a methodology that focuses on the applied strategy verses a specific market. The approach looks to align strategies with markets whose current technical behavior matches the strategies criteria. Please review the following CME sponsored tutorial for a complete overview of this approach.

For more information please contact me at You can also visit Inflection Pivot levels are available as a chart overlay on the following platforms; Ninja trader, Strategy Runner and eSignal. Sign up for a Complimentary FREE Trial.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

FOREX: USDJPY - Corrective Signal

Technically the MKT is in a NEUTRAL CORRECTIVE posture, working a slight positive signal bias against a negative trend. Opportunity exists on both sides of the MKT, however the threat of the return of the negative momentum must be respected as a good probability.
9083 is the session Inflection Pivot and high point for any positive follow through if the negative momentum is going to resume.
On the SELL side accept BREAKOUT, FADE and REVERSAL strategies off major inflection points with the expectation that the negative momentum is going to resume. Until the MKT breaks the positive corrective structure, keep profit targets and position management tight as the neutral trading environment has the potential to keep the trade trendless. BREAKOUT strategies can risk a little more if current events and other MKTs of confluence confirm a negative posture with the expectation that the negative trend is going to resume. Get into these trades sooner [higher] than later [lower], anticipating a return to the negative trend.
On the BUY side FADE strategies are valid off the 1st major support level but should not risk much and incorporate aggressive position management to reduce profit giveback. The underlying momentum remains negative and any long opportunity is short term with no follow through potential. REVERSAL strategies should be avoided, as any break in momentum is a sign that the BEAR TREND is ready to resume. BUY BREAKOUT strategies are aggressive and the better opportunity is to FADE a negative reaction after a positive breakout signal. These strategies should have resting limit orders at resistance target inflection points. Consider a REVERSE roll if there is confluence with other like MKTS or other indicator studies. The trade is corrective and expectations are for a resumption of the negative momentum.
Note: The MKT is in a NEUTRAL CORRECTIVE position with the most likely outcome being a difficult sideways trade. The negative momentum has been broken, so beware of getting sucked into "false" failure especially early in the session. There is the potential for a sharp short covering rally so don't FADE a rise that continues to hold structure.


This post supports the Strategy Based Trading, which is a methodology that focuses on the applied strategy verses a specific market. The approach looks to align strategies with markets whose current technical behavior matches the strategies criteria. Please review the following CME sponsored tutorial for a complete overview of this approach.

For more information please contact me at You can also visit Inflection Pivot levels are available as a chart overlay on the following platforms; Ninja trader, Strategy Runner and eSignal. Sign up for a Complimentary FREE Trial.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Technically the MKT is in a BEAR TREND but in a DIGESTIVE posture. The MKT has produced a big negative signal but has yet to confirm a shift into trend mode. Look for excuses to get short with the 12380 Inflection Pivot the high point for any squeeze. If the contract is going to stay hard pressed it is unlikely it will do much if any trading above the 12339 resistance.

On the SELL side accept FADE, BREAKOUT and REVERSAL strategies off major inflection points. SELL BREAKOUT strategies below 12281 may need to be "worked" as teh big negative signal will have the sellers excited. FADE strategies against 12310 after a negative breakdown signal are good opportunities as well and can provide favorable area to put on leverage against structure. Be more aggressive with FADE and REVERSAL strategies at 12339 and 12380 targeting 12281. Above 12380 sentiment shifts.

On the BUY side BREAKOUT strategies are aggressive and should be entered sooner [lower] than later [higher]. Expectations should be for the MKT to make its move early in the session and not look back, holding strucutre most of the day producing a positive "reversal" signal. If the MKT digests prior to making a positive move it is more likely a short squeeze to FADE. BUY FADE strategies off 12281 are aggressive and if they are going to work should do so on the initial test of support. Repeated tests or "confirmation" are more likely to give way to a lower trade. BUY REVERSAL strategies are not recommended as any failure is confirmation of a negative trend shift. The probability is to the downside today so don't get stubborn buying breaks.

Note: The MKT has produced a big negative signal and is flirting with a turn for the worse. If it does not follow through on any new weakness it is more likely a nuetral shift than a positive one.


This post supports the Strategy Based Trading, which is a methodology that focuses on the applied strategy verses a specific market. The approach looks to align strategies with markets whose current technical behavior matches the strategies criteria. Please review the following CME sponsored tutorial for a complete overview of this approach.


For more information please contact me at You can also visit Inflection Pivot levels are available as a chart overlay on the following platforms; Ninja trader, Strategy Runner and eSignal. Sign up for a Complimentary FREE Trial.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

DRG - Pharmaceutical Sector Index - POSITIVE SIGNAL

The DRG - Pharmaceutical Sector Index produce a big BULL TREND ACCELERATION signal and will remain aggressively bid with all trading above the 309.56 Inflection Pivot pressing resistance at 314.76 on any new interest. Be patient. If the market is going to settle back into a digestive trade it will stall out here. A held breach is a sign of strength that puts the 322.56 target in play.
A dip under 311.80 down plays yesterday's positive signal for a corrective trade down to 309.56. Be patient. If the positive momentum is going to resume it will above here. A held failure negates the positive signal confirming a directionless trade. Only under 303.86 can the Bear overwhelm this sector.


This post supports the Strategy Based Trading, which is a methodology that focuses on the applied strategy verses a specific market. The approach looks to align strategies with markets whose current technical behavior matches the strategies criteria. Please review the following CME sponsored tutorial for a complete overview of this approach.

For more information please contact me at You can also visit Inflection Pivot levels are available as a chart overlay on the following platforms; Ninja trader, Strategy Runner and eSignal. Sign up for a Complimentary FREE Trial.

Monday, February 1, 2010


The USDJPY made some headlines but has yet to confirm a positive shift in sentiment and remains in a NEUTRAL DIGESTIVE technical state. Key off the 8987 Inflection Pivot for an indication of the session bias. This is the low point for any healthy pull-back. Above here the currency maintains a positive TRANSITIONAL tone, so be cautious buying into any early excitement. A breach of the 9117 resistance pivot will signal a test of the 9188-9182 resistance . If the rally is going to stall it will here. If not the recent highs at 9379 will be put to the test.

A failure from 8987 is a sign of weakness however a break below 8956 is needed to confirm a resumption of the negative momentum targeting 8861 on any turn for the worse. 8737 is the extended target for any new move south.


This post supports the Strategy Based Trading, which is a methodology that focuses on the applied strategy verses a specific market. The approach looks to align strategies with markets whose current technical behavior matches the strategies criteria. Please review the following CME sponsored tutorial for a complete overview of this approach.


For more information please contact me at You can also visit Inflection Pivot levels are available as a chart overlay on the following platforms; Ninja trader, Strategy Runner and eSignal. Sign up for a Complimentary FREE Trial.