CLEARBOXTM Trading Systems
CLEARBOXTM Trading Systems are transparent automated trading strategies. They are automated strategies in which you understands the developer’s criteria and can run strategies that best fit your trading plan.
A portfolio of unique transparent buy and sell strategy templates are made available that look to capture opportunity in specific market conditions and context. The CLEARBOXTM approach is a directed trade assist tool that provides hard entry and exit criteria with user's discretionary position and risk management.
The CLEARBOXTM Trading Systems are designed to provide an actionable knowledge based solution for both the professional and self-directed traders. The systems are completely automated but are meant to be used as a trading tool and to be piloted by a trader, not run as a “Blackbox”. Traders are advised to take either a Basic Money Management or Advanced Position Management approach when running the strategies. The strategies can be optimized using JS Services Price Map chart overlay to enhance position and risk management of the systems.
Markets currently available are SP500, EuroStoxx, BUND, 30YR T-Bond, GOLD, EuroFX.Coming soon: 10YR T-Note, DAX, ND100, EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDJPY
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